To The Adventures of a Girl in A Box
"She just sits, and watches the people in the boxes
Everything she sees, she absorbs and adopts it
She mimics and she mocks it
And she hates the box but she cant remember how to stop it
So she continues to watch it
Hoping that it can give her somethin she can box with
Or how the locksmith seen the boxes
Locked in the box and aint got the combination to unlock it
Thats why she watches, scared to look away
Cuz at that moment it might show her what to take off the locks with
So she chained herself to the box, took a lock and then she locked it
Swallowed the combination and then forgot it
As the doctors jot it all down with their pens and pencils
The same ones that took away her voice and just left her instrumentals, like damn"
- Lupe Fiasco (Never Lies)
Let's face it, we all live in a box. This blog is an attempt to try and capture the day to day life story, events, and random thoughts of a Girl named Mia B. This blog tells about her escape from that box that we all once shared and her
Rebellious onrush to refrain from returning back. In many of these hazardous situations there will be times when deep or independent thought is necessary. Sit back, relax and get ready for mind penetrating ventures!
Enjoy! :)
Hello, my name is Mia B and welcome to the published documentary through Blogger.com of my life.
So, I suppose you would like to know a little about me before delving into my life story?
Well, I will start by saying I am a
new breed of consiousness. I seem to have a high level of consciousness not of this Earth as I am coming to figure out.
Many people will laugh or
judge at this point, but what I say to those individuals is...
It's been Scientifically proven that the next step in evolution has taken place and has thus been acknowledged. Here is a link to get you started on your research before reading this blog:
What are Doctors, Psychologists, and Scientist Saying about Indigo Children?
I have a warrior spirit and a tendency to break down systems that are now obsolete and serve us no purpose.
Many who resist change and who value conformity may misunderstand me at times which leaves me lonely more often than not. I am a strong willed independent thinker, who prefers to do my own thing rather than comply with authority figures.
I seem to have an incredible sense for dishonesty, like a dog can sense fear. I am a Right Brained Thinker who can sometimes explain the seemingly unexplainable. I love a challenge, change, and flexibility. I am a creative analytical thinker.
My outlook on life is truth, love and taking care of ourselves and the earth. Which are the most important elements of life. What most people call daydreaming, I call a research project.
I am a Indigo Child.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
L E T ' S T R Y S O M E T H I N G D I F F E R E N T
..Hmmm...a thought crossed my mind. Just a few random thoughts I would like to blog. You know the saying...Birds of a feather flock together?
This proverb has been in use since at least the mid 16th century. In 1545 William Turner used a version of it in his papist satire The Rescuing of
Romish Fox: "Byrdes of on kynde and color flok and flye allwayes together."
Birds of a feather flock together means that people who are very similar to each other often spend time together.
Example: "Those guys work at the same company and go to the same bars. They do everything together."
Well, here's my dilema. If you are always surrounded by those who think like you, and do like you...then how can one learn anything further than what they already know?
I mean...I guess you can learn from their experiences. But then again if they are just like you, & you share so much in common....then it's possible that they may experience the same thing you already experienced because they did it the same way you did. So, then you share evaluations of the meaning behind the experience but then that would be the same too!! Conundrum!!!
In order for the Kung Fu Master to effectively teach his Apprentice...his Apprentice has to forget what he think he already knows, right? You can't teach someone something who claims to know everything already. You can't enjoy or maybe you can but I can't enjoy food without seasoning. I can't just eat Shrimp alone....I like Cocktail Sauce with it. I like Peanut butter with my jelly as well! Some of the most well tempered Dog Breeds that are current today came from Mix Breeding....
Which is the very reason why I try to surround myself with people who not only think like me, but also don't think like me as well. I feel this opens another pathway to enlightenment. Ahh yes! A little mixing of the mentals. A healthy debate about topics from each sides perspective.
I tend to get bored with people who agree or disagree with me all the time. Especially those who don't care to share why they do either. If you agree explain why...if you disagree explain why. Don't just do either just because. It's not where you stand but it's the journey to that resolve that I find interesting and you might too if you cared to analyze.
Never the less I like to switch between the two every now and again. I also get extremely bored with people who don't have enough knowledge of certain subjects to even engage in a conversation. Not that it's their responsiblity to care about what I care about...but it bothers me when people don't care to research topics that are not trivial. But that's for another blog. For that reason...I talk to certain people about certain things and others about other things.
But to forever surround myself with people who are just like me, I feel to be unhealthy for ME no matter what the old sayings imply. I feel everyone has something to share with me.
No matter their race, creed, color, mental state or social status.
But hey...that's what makes me, me.
Some people feel they will be rich if they hang around the rich, or be pretty if they hang around the beautiful ones, or be cool if they stand in the middle of the in crowd. News Flash! It's all an illusion.
I learned much from one particular homeless guy in Atlanta in 03"
After we finished with our conversation at the local gas station, I left with a new perception of the homeless. Most are not truely homeless, or poor. In fact they are richer than the rich. Believe it!
Ahhh...time for bed I think.
Until next time.
Labels: Friends, Like Mindedness, Random Thoughts, The Homeless
8:31 PM