To The Adventures of a Girl in A Box
"She just sits, and watches the people in the boxes
Everything she sees, she absorbs and adopts it
She mimics and she mocks it
And she hates the box but she cant remember how to stop it
So she continues to watch it
Hoping that it can give her somethin she can box with
Or how the locksmith seen the boxes
Locked in the box and aint got the combination to unlock it
Thats why she watches, scared to look away
Cuz at that moment it might show her what to take off the locks with
So she chained herself to the box, took a lock and then she locked it
Swallowed the combination and then forgot it
As the doctors jot it all down with their pens and pencils
The same ones that took away her voice and just left her instrumentals, like damn"
- Lupe Fiasco (Never Lies)
Let's face it, we all live in a box. This blog is an attempt to try and capture the day to day life story, events, and random thoughts of a Girl named Mia B. This blog tells about her escape from that box that we all once shared and her
Rebellious onrush to refrain from returning back. In many of these hazardous situations there will be times when deep or independent thought is necessary. Sit back, relax and get ready for mind penetrating ventures!
Enjoy! :)
Hello, my name is Mia B and welcome to the published documentary through Blogger.com of my life.
So, I suppose you would like to know a little about me before delving into my life story?
Well, I will start by saying I am a
new breed of consiousness. I seem to have a high level of consciousness not of this Earth as I am coming to figure out.
Many people will laugh or
judge at this point, but what I say to those individuals is...
It's been Scientifically proven that the next step in evolution has taken place and has thus been acknowledged. Here is a link to get you started on your research before reading this blog:
What are Doctors, Psychologists, and Scientist Saying about Indigo Children?
I have a warrior spirit and a tendency to break down systems that are now obsolete and serve us no purpose.
Many who resist change and who value conformity may misunderstand me at times which leaves me lonely more often than not. I am a strong willed independent thinker, who prefers to do my own thing rather than comply with authority figures.
I seem to have an incredible sense for dishonesty, like a dog can sense fear. I am a Right Brained Thinker who can sometimes explain the seemingly unexplainable. I love a challenge, change, and flexibility. I am a creative analytical thinker.
My outlook on life is truth, love and taking care of ourselves and the earth. Which are the most important elements of life. What most people call daydreaming, I call a research project.
I am a Indigo Child.
Monday, May 19, 2008
I rented a couple of movies this past weekend. Blockbuster called me and said that they would allow me One Free Movie Rental since I hadn't been in the store in over 30 days. With me not able to turn down anything free (As if there's a such thing) I decided to go there and take advantage of this offer. Once I chose my movies and got to the checkout out counter the cashier notifies me of my $12 balance on my account. Ok, so is this why you called me and offered me the free movie rental that is FREE anyway because I pay for the rewards membership which allows me to get one rental for free???
It's amazing how they use trickery to get what they want. I just paid it, got my movies, ordered pizza and headed home.
Well, anyhoo one of the movies that I rented was a phenomenal one. It was titled Gattaca.
It takes place in the future (When? I'm not really sure, but it may not be too far in the future) in a genetically-enhanced world, where life expectancy and disease likelihood are ascertained at birth. So during these times having a baby the "Natural Way" (Intercourse) is no longer in use. And those who wish to father/mother a child this way automatically sets their child up for failure. The new "Genetically Enhanced" Way to father/mother a child is for the Mother and Father to give DNA samples to the Geneticists and have them take all the best qualities/traits from each sample to make an egg and sperm. The parents at this time could choose the babies sex, hair color, skin color, eye color, personality traits, etc... Woah! Talk about a real life SIM!
In this society your career opportunities are based on your genes. People now discriminate against your genetic build instead of your gender, race or religion. They call it Genialism. Long gone are the days of Resumes, Online Applications, and Interviews. Now, your interviews consist of Blood test, and Saliva samples.
Being that technology is advancing and altering our lives everyday. I can't imagine that times like these are too far from the now. The only way I can see this being a good thing is if it’s only used for catching criminals and dating!! Yea, I said it Dating. Oh how lovely it would be if I could take a piece of hair from the guy that I am currently involved with, to a geneticists window (A place that is similar to the Teller drive through lane at your Bank) and tell them to give me the analysis of this persons build. Are they psychopathic killers on the loose, are they likely to cheat, mentally stable, fertile, STD report, Etc.....
Call it crazy, but I call it convenient. Save me the time and drama of dealing with guys who more than likely act the way they do because the apple didn't fall too far from the tree....
As much as I would like for this to be in affect, I can honestly say that there would be more bad then good that would arise from this new practice. I can see this taking place soon though. As they have already begun to give people personality test before interviews for jobs now....I just select the answer I know they want.
Question: Have you ever lied? Yes/No/Maybe/Sometimes
My answer: NO
Question: Do you ever feel the urge to confront someone about the way they make you feel?
My Answer: NO
Labels: Biology, DNA, Geneticist, Genetics, Geniology, Humankind, Mankind, Racism, Society, The Future
7:46 AM